Exclusive Detailing Packages & Services

Maintenance Detail - From $100

vacuum of seats and carpets
Wipe down and dust of interior trims
Windshields and screens cleaned
Wheels and tyres cleaned.​
Snow foam pre-soak with pH Neutral soap
Handwash with plush microfiber mitts
Dry vehicle and shine tyres
Mini Detail - From $200

Deep vacuum of seats and carpets
Dashboard, Interior trims, rubber and vinyl deep cleaned
Door hinges, door jambs and boot jamb cleaned
Pedals, glovebox and centre console cleaned
Interior windows, mirrors and screens streak free cleaned.
Wheels and tyres cleaned.​
Bugs and tar removed
Snow foam pre-soak with pH Neutral soap
Hand wash with plush microfiber mitts
Dry Vehicle and shine tyres
Full Detail - From $500

​Interior​ (Mini Detail Plus)
Shampoo extraction of all upholstery and carpets
Leather cleaned and conditioned
Roof lining cleaned
Exterior (Mini Detail Plus)​​
Machine polish
Spray wax sealant
Exterior plastics restored
Full Exterior Detail - From $500

Exterior Only
Engine bay cleaned and detailed.
Wheels and tyres cleaned.​
Bugs and tar removed
Underneath pressurewashed
Snow foam pre-soak with high alkaline soap
Clay bar decontamination with iron removers
Hand wash with plush microfiber mitts
2 Step paint correction or Cut and Polish
Final rinse topped with spray wax sealant
vehicle dried, tyres dressed and exterior plastics restored
Full Interior Detail - From $400

​Interior Only​
Deep vacuum of seats and carpets
Shampoo extraction of all upholstery and carpets
Leather cleaned and conditioned
Dashboard, Interior trims and vinyl deep cleaned
Door hinges, door jambs and boot jamb cleaned
Pedals, glovebox and centre console cleaned
Interior windows, mirrors and screens cleaned.
Pre-Sale Detail - From $900

Full Interior & Exterior Detail Plus
Seats and Trims Removed
Airconditoning odour bomb
Cabin filter cleaned
Wheels removed to clean barrels
Underneath pressure washed
Additional & Special Services

Add ons (if not included in package)​
​Carpets Removed - $150
Interior Trims Shined - $30
Exterior Trims Restored $60
Headlight Restoration - $100
​Seat Shampoo - $125
Carpet Shampoo - $125
Roof lining Spot Clean - $50
Engine-Bay Detail - $60
Special Services (are quoted in person)
​Mould Removal
Sticker/Vinyl Removal
Metal Polishing
Ceramic Coating - Paint Protection
Gtechniqs CSL + EXOv5
(5-7 Years Protection) - From $1000

Ceramic Coatings Include
Full Exterior Detail
Application of Gtechniqs Crystal Serum Light (5 Year protection)
Application of Gtechniqs EXOv5 Coating
(2 Year protection) -
1 Free Inspection and Exterior Wash after 6 months of application (Conditions apply)